Friday, September 14, 2007

Steps For Making Lumpia

One of my favorite Filipino dishes is lumpia, but it can be a little tedious to make. My mom made it a little differently from the "Shanghai" style, preferring to cook the filling and making "chubby" lumpia instead. I always volunteered to be the one who set up the assembly line and roll it as well, not because I was the good child, but because I got to nibble on the filling while I made it. Funny enough, I would just take out the filling and give my brother the fried wrapper skins. It worked out well that way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lumpia!!! I quiver with unadulterated delight at the mere thought of chowing down on a bunch of lumpia.

Alas, I am a mere male with a minute amount of culinary capability.


My food preparatory abilities extend to opening a can of condensed soup and plopping the contents into a pan, adding some water, then heating the concoction before ladling the glop into my cavernous maw.

That's on a "good" day. When lazy, a common event, or in a hurry it is common for rotund me to open the soup can and eating the undiluted contents directly from the can.


Oh...... if only I could find a female willing to tolerate my immense horde of peculiarities who possesses the ability to create lumpia. Surely I would wed the gal and live in bliss forever more.


Here in the cultural backwater of Missouri there is nary a locale to procure pre-made lumpia.


Hmmmmmmm...... perhaps the lack of a lumpia outlet is a cry for an entrepreneur to step in and introduce that delicacy to the masses 'round these parts!!!

Still, my heart and soul and bulbous belly cries out for lumpia... it has been so many years since I slavered over those wonderful morsels of sensuously tasty tidbits.